Quality education is a must, but upskilling is the need of the hour to secure the future world

Education dates back to 1600 BC, and you’d think the hunt stopped there! Even today, we are still looking for the missing piece in the education puzzle.
The advancement in education and the evolution of human civilization go hand in hand. From modern education evolving from animal skins to chalkboards, whiteboards and smartboards, technology has brought education a long way. But educators were still not satisfied. Thus, the hunt for improvement continued.
Today, new-age teaching has posed an important question, drastically changing the entire education system: Skills? What are skills, you ask? They’re just the ability ‘to do’ something well.
A Child’s success is based on their acquisition of both knowledge and skills which boils down to their ability ‘to know’ and ‘to do’ respectively!
With the advancement of technology and the rise of schools, we have become better and better at making quality education accessible and easier for students. But the curriculum of Indian schools and the pedagogical developments has remained somewhat constant. And now the identified big education gap is skills.
Fostering essential transferable life skills of communication, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving
Equipping students with next-gen skills in technology, financial literacy, robotics, and communication
Making the learning process interactive and captivating
Providing a hands-on experience and emphasise the practical applications of concepts in the real world
And this is exactly what BeyondSkool’s mission is: empower children with next-gen skills and help them become future-ready.

One such initiative that reinforced and aligned with our values and ideology was the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) which stated that new-age skills like communication, technology, design thinking, and financial literacy are a pivotal part of the education system and needed to be fostered in the minds of young learners nationwide through application based learning. Aligned with the NEP 2020, we launched our three life-changing labs within the schools:
Communication Lab
Financial Literacy Lab
Think about it. When was the last time you used the Pythagorean theorem in your day-to-day life? Unless you're a mathematician or an engineer, probably never! On the other hand, skills like communication, problem-solving, public speaking, and financial literacy are essential in any job or situation.
Thus, we want to provide students with skills that will make them 21st century ready!

In light of the difficulties in the job market and lingering pandemic-induced challenges, upskilling has never been a more dire need for the future world. A skills-based approach and integrating the practical use of transferable skills is something BeyondSkool has always believed to incorporate into the education curriculum.

Picture this! You join a class buzzing with excitement because you're about to learn some seriously, cool skills. You might sign up for 'Transferable Skills 101' where you'll master the art of communication, creativity, and leadership. Or, you could jump into a class on 'Digital Skills' that'll take you on a journey through tech design and programming, robotics, and product design.
Feeling like a boss yet? Well, buckle up, because there's also a class dedicated to 'Job Specific Skills' that'll teach you how to nail a professional email, give a killer presentation, and even manage your finances.
Sounds fun right? That is exactly what BeyondSkool’s mission #UpskillingIndia is and having fun while doing it and our three labs have this covered. For instance, we had an 11-year-old girl voicing the character ‘Dory’ from ‘Finding Dory,’ and a 9-year-old boy boldly reciting the poem ‘Arabian Nights’ with fabulous voice modulation and diction.
The possibilities for upskilling kids are endless! But why stop there?
We believe that efficient upskilling comes from teaching those who teach! Thus, BeyondSkool meets the need for broader education goals by training teachers in skills like empathy, adaptability, and creativity to connect with their students and create a positive learning environment.
We aim to transform society for the better through our pedagogy of Think - Apply - Create. Who knows, maybe one day, this progressive approach and the skills revolution will enable every individual to be a master of their careers, thrive in the evolving job market and contribute to society as informed, capable individuals. And with each passing day, BeyondSkool will keep bridging this gap in the education system by taking small steps towards #UpskillingIndia!