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Addressing The ‘A.I.’ Elephant In The Cubicle

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Will AI take over our jobs? A burning question we need to answer

Tony Stark + Artificial Intelligence = Iron Man

If you are a MARVEL fan, you will probably remember J.A.R.V.I.S., F.R.I.D.A.Y., Karen, and E.D.I.T.H. These are the sassiest AI assistants Tony Stark created in the Iron Man series. Forget Pepper Potts, these digital dudes made Iron Man a reality and more like one of us.

These AI assistants gave us a glimpse of the future where AI can do everything from scheduling your boring tasks to assisting with research, and could probably become the boss of all your actions. Let's face it, Tony Stark turned into Iron Man because of these smart programs, and that's the power of AI!

We know it was just a movie and a bit of a stretch, but AI is already ruling our virtual world. We're practically living with our own J.A.R.V.I.S every day, and we don't even realize it.

Future Bosses?

You might recognize some of these names - Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant. They're like your personal genie, except instead of granting you wishes, they can order groceries, play music, and even control your smart home devices.

But that's just the beginning. These AI assistants are evolving faster than you can think. They can now track your fitness, help you learn a new language, and even provide financial advice.

And don't forget about ChatGPT - the ultimate language model that can assist you with anything from writing articles to screening resumes. It's like having a writing buddy that never gets tired, never complains, and never asks for a raise.

But let's be real, we're all a little scared of the day when AI takes over our jobs. Will ChatGPT replace human workers altogether? Will Siri become the new CEO of your company?

Probably not. At least not yet. For now, we can sit back and enjoy the ride as AI assistants become our new BFFs.

First things first, what is ChatGPT?

It is like Siri, but better. Think of it as your personal digital assistant. Also, ChatGPT isn't the only one. There are many companies such as Apple, Open AI and Salesforce, working on generative AI for texts, images, and videos.

Let me give you some relatable real-life applications.

Picture this - you're sitting at your desk, staring at a blank screen feeling the Monday blues. Suddenly, like a genie in a bottle, an AI app pops up and starts writing the document for you! In Gmail and Google Docs, AI can be your personal writing assistant. Need a welcome email for your new employees? Just ask the AI app to do it for you. And with CoPilot365 by Microsoft, you can generate a spreadsheet, write an article, or manage your calendar with a few clicks. Your very own J.A.R.V.I.S.!

But wait, there's more! Microsoft (Bing) and Alphabet (Google) are taking it a step further by integrating their AI tools directly into their search engines. With ChatGPT and Bard, the possibilities are endless. Interactive search experiences, personalized recommendations, and even better work efficiency - all at your fingertips.

And this is where the invisible AI elephant in the room whispers again - "But isn't this technology going to take our jobs?"

As per the tech giants developing these solutions, these AI tools are designed to work alongside us, not replace us. They may not be perfect yet, but with our human touch, we can curate the information and use it to boost our productivity.

ChatGPT is not just some boring language model that's out to steal human jobs. It's more like Robin to your Batman - the ultimate sidekick that makes your life easier, more productive, and a little more entertaining.

But wait, there's more! ChatGPT is also a master of big data analysis. It can sift through mountains of information, identify patterns and trends that we mere humans might miss, and provide valuable insights and recommendations. So not only does it make our lives easier, it makes us smarter too.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But won't ChatGPT steal our jobs?" Look, I'm not going to sugarcoat it - there's always a risk. But think of it like Excel. Did it make accountants redundant? No way. It just made them work faster and more efficiently. And when robotics hit the car industry, sure, some jobs were lost - but it also opened up new opportunities in other industries.

The point is, change is inevitable. It's up to us to adapt and use it to our advantage. And with ChatGPT on our side, we've got the ultimate weapon in our arsenal. So don't be afraid of the future, embrace it. Because when it comes to success in the job market, it's not survival of the fittest - it's survival of the tech-savvy.

AI - Peak of human evolution?

Centuries ago, we were a bunch of four-footed mammals - leave alone imagine us using a smartphone, we couldn’t even hold one. But then, something magical happened – we evolved! First, we stood on two legs, then our brains grew bigger, and before you know it, we are ruling the planet, revolutionizing the world, using laptops and smartphones and whatnot!

Today, we have probably exhausted all possible biological options for evolution, so the next step in evolution might just happen through technology. And if you think about it, we're already well on our way. We've welcomed AI into our lives, so why not embrace it fully and see where it takes us?

This is just my optimistic view on AI tools infiltrating our workspace, and I may be blindsided by some of its perils. Of course, the joke will be on me if in the future I am NOT asked to write an article for this section simply because ChatGPT does a better job at it! And who knows, maybe parts of this article have been written by ChatGPT and you will not be able to tell the difference.

All in all, I say bring on the AI tools! We've adapted to every technological advancement so far, and I have no doubt we'll adapt to this one too. After all, we're humans - we're very adaptable.

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Apr 07, 2023

Very well written.

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