July 2024
There are months like this when everything seems to be going your way! The joint presence of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the Aries astral sky makes it clear that July will be great time for you this year and you can expect to enjoy a particularly pleasant few week.
After the little difficulties you have recently encountered, I'm sure that you will welcome this good news with open arms! Your sense of sharing and your enjoyment in being with others will mean you can spend time with the people who matter to you and contribute to their well-being.
Like many Aries, you frequently feel the need to help others. This summer month should fully meet this need. The positive energy you'll be filled with will have a constructive impact on all aspects of your daily life, both professionally and emotionally.
What to remember in July
The association of the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the Aries astral sky in July is to be appreciated. Indeed, you seem more motivated than ever to enjoy life's pleasures and create a happy life for yourself. Part of this happiness obviously comes from your relationships which are a source of joy, tenderness and sharing.
In the weeks that follow, you will also look after your love life which seems to be developing in a particularly pleasant way! The positive state of mind you find yourself in will help you get what you want and change any facets of your daily life that are not quite right for you. Like a beautiful summer sky, there are no clouds on the horizon now. Which direction would you like to go in? The field of possibilities is immense.
In view of your astral conjunction, you are likely to be full of positive energy in July, which will allow you to advance your projects and devote yourself more than usually to the causes that matter to you.
However, the meeting of Mars and Saturn in the Taurus astral sky reminds you that this positive change needs to be considered in the long-term and so it would be unreasonable to expect to see immediate results. As a good wine matures with the years, so do you need time to embellish your daily life.
Frustrating at first glance, the slow pace of this process is in fact fundamental. If you don't want to take decisions that you'll immediately regret, don't put the cart before the horse. The sustainability of your action depends to a large extent on your patience.
What to remember in July
Diligence, introspection and action are all on the program for Taurus in July. Governed by the Sun, Mars and Saturn, your astral conjunction is clearly well-balanced, which should help you to obtain the emotional security which is essential if you are to thrive.
In your quest for change you will understand the importance of being prudent and not rushing. Like most Taurus, you are well aware that any lasting change must be considered over the long-term.
That is why you won't make the mistake of taking hasty decisions in the coming weeks. To feel happy, you need certainty. From this point of view, time is your ally.

You should feel really enthusiastic about this month of July and it may well bring you many surprises. The meeting of Sun, Mars and Pluto in the Gemini astral sky is a clear testimony to your unparalleled motivation to achieve your goals as quickly as possible, whether they relate to your professional life, love or money.
In the coming weeks, you will be full of enthusiasm for life, but also determined and with a welcome strength of character. You obviously have a clear idea of the life you would like to lead and the actions to be taken to achieve your ends.
While this is a laudable state of mind, be careful not to put the cart before the horse and remember to think about the potential consequences of your decisions. A little self-restraint has never hurt anyone!
What to remember in July
Governed by the Sun, Mars and Pluto, the Gemini astral conjunction clearly highlights your need for change. Recently you've sometimes felt a bit frustrated at the end of the day, as if your current routine doesn't reflect the life you dreamed of having.
In view of the planets present in your summer sky, it's time for a little rebellion. In the coming weeks you'll be very motivated and full of ambition, which will help you to advance your life project at a steady pace.
When you achieve your first successes, they will give you more hope and strengthen your confidence in the future. For your action to be sustainable, just think about the potential consequences of your decisions. There's no point in getting ahead of yourself!
The association of the Moon, Mercury and Mars in the Cancer astral sky in this month of July is a very promising one. The return of the sun seems sure to please you, as will the beautiful energies that will pass through you in the weeks to come.
You have a clear idea of the objectives you would ultimately like to achieve and you now feel strong enough to advance your personal projects without feeling obliged to encroach on the territory of others. As the passage of Mars in your sky suggests, you should nonetheless keep your eye out for people who might want to throw a wrench in your works.
Your fierce desire to move forward can be explained by your ability to not let your difficulties overwhelm you and to fully understand exactly what motivates you. The presence of the Moon in your sky is therefore a valuable asset, in that it will strengthen your sensitivity and boost your intuition.
What to remember in July
The main ingredients of this July are tenderness, curiosity and a fierce desire to build your own story. Governed by the Moon, Mars and Mercury, your astral conjunction highlights your great sensitivity (which will allow you to have a clear understanding of the challenges you will face), the keenness of your intelligence, and also your ability to get off the beaten path in search of something new.
Because you are motivated to lead a life that truly resembles you, you'll be ready to give free rein to your creativity to try to find answers to the questions that have been bothering you for some time. Once your solutions have been found, all you need to do is act on them, taking the time to implement the strategy that best suits your real needs.
The association of the Moon, Venus and Pluto in the Leo astral sky in this month of July is a very interesting one. Obviously, matters of the heart will occupy a special place in your daily life in the coming weeks, which may lead you to question some of your convictions.
You will feel enhanced sensitivity which should help you understand your emotional obstacles better and help you pinpoint the things that could be improved. While your need for harmony will be evident in July, your thirst for change could for a time undermine it.
The presence of Pluto in your astral sky indicates that you feel ready to consent to big changes to finally create a daily life that truly reflects who you are. However, if you do not want to make too many waves, you may need to curb your ardor a little. In the current context, this could prove difficult.
What to remember in July
It goes without saying that the Leo astral conjunction in July may not bring you the calm and serenity you were hoping for. This doesn't mean, however, that your stars can't teach you valuable lessons!
Crossed by the Moon, Venus and Pluto, your astral sky testifies to your need to see some change, but also to your difficulty in tolerating frustration, especially in your love life. The impulsiveness that you will feel in the coming weeks may also force you to make hasty decisions.
In July, therefore, it will be essential for you to step away from your struggles and give yourself enough time to understand what's going on. Only once you are clear about that will you be able to consider the action you need to take.
In view of this particular astral conjunction this July may prove to be particularly toxic, especially if you fail to channel the violent emotions that you'll probably feel. Governed by Venus, Mars and Pluto, your astral sky testifies to a determination as strong as steel but also to your desire to
enjoy life's pleasures to the full.
This summer you obviously have a clear idea of what you would like to achieve and won't let anyone stand in your way, even if you need to use cunning or force to achieve your goals. In this explosive astral context, there is a good chance that you will cause more than a few waves around you. Fortunately, the wisdom you have gained from past experiences should help you not to make radical decisions. Self-restraint can also be a good thing!
What to remember in July
Governed by Venus, Pluto and Mars, the Virgo astral conjunction is undoubtedly not associated with ideas of calmness, harmony and restraint, especially at the very beginning of the month. In the coming days, it won't t be surprising if you feel full of restless energy which could force you to act too quickly on some of your decisions.
Fortunately, you can count on the reassuring influence of Venus to counteract this excessive impulsiveness. From the second part of July, the planet of love should allow you to regain a little serenity, which you'll gladly take as a sign to make the most of the time you have with the people you love. Spending time with them will feel like a breath of fresh air. And then all you have to do is put some order in your life, without taking the risk of hurrying. Remember that patience is a virtue.
The meeting of these three planets is undoubtedly enough to attract the attention of Libras. Crossed by Mars, Pluto and Uranus, your astral sky highlights your deep motivation to move forward and your desire to fully enjoy the pleasures of life.
In this month of July, it looks like your power of seduction and your strength of persuasion will reach record levels. Pluto and Uranus nevertheless warn you against the potential harm of being impulsive, something that you're going to find very difficult to control in the coming weeks.
In this particular context, it is difficult to know whether you'll manage to make your decisions without being overly influenced by the violent emotions that you'll sometimes be subjected to. If you can't, there is a good chance that you will make questionable choices.
What to remember in July
Although it has undeniable potential, this astral combination could also prove explosive. Governed by Mars, Pluto and Uranus, the Libra astral sky testifies to your current difficulties in channeling your impulses and emotions. At home, at work and with friends, this impulsiveness could really harm your projects.
Rather than letting your emotions overwhelm you, try to use them wisely to help you understand the habits that need to be changed in order to improve your health and well-being. With regard to long-term projects, it will certainly be necessary to wait for a more appropriate moment to take action. Right now, you need a little more perspective before you can make important decisions. As you are not in a hurry to act, you will accept this situation patiently.
Today, you are facing a particularly interesting association of planets, which indicates that you will probably manage to advance your life project without difficulty in the coming weeks. Governed by Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus, the Scorpio astral conjunction underlines your desire to move forward, but also your ability to challenge some of your certainties.
In July, you will be more than ready to take an honest look at your situation, so as to put your finger on the facets of your daily life that are no longer entirely pleasing to you. If necessary, you will have the courage to take the necessary decisions and establish your new strategy.
There is every reason to believe that the changes you are about to decide on will quickly improve your spirits. So you can look forward to your immediate future with serenity.
What to remember in July
Crossed by Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus, your astral sky is undoubtedly placed under the sign of change and personal growth. In the coming weeks, therefore, you could well make some important decisions for your future, and equally may finally agree to sever the links with certain aspects of your past.
Aware of the challenges that, like everyone, you will have to face, you will have the courage to remove your blinders and take an honest look at your current life. This unfailing honesty is a boon, as it will help you identify potential areas for improvement and define your roadmap even more precisely.
In view of your astral conjunction, it seems obvious that the changes you will soon put in place will be effective.
The combination of planets that will cross the Sagittarius astral sky in July clearly has a beautiful balance. Governed by Mercury, Venus and Mars, your astral conjunction suggests that you could make some very good progress in the coming weeks.
In your professional life as well as at home, a gentle and serene atmosphere will reign, which should, of course, allow you to progress your projects at your own pace. The tenderness you feel towards your loved ones will only be matched by the motivation you feel to get things moving.
As such, the climate seems particularly conducive to decision-making, movement and personal growth. Given your Sagittarius character, it is likely that you will be able to make the most of it. After all, you know exactly what you want!
What to remember in July
Obviously, it looks like July will be a good month! The meeting of Mercury, Mars and Venus can be considered as a promise of happy days to come, during which you will find it easy to get things moving and enjoy the benefits of your situation. The sincerity you will show your loved ones will help you to ease any latent tensions and give your relationships a new dynamic.
Are you looking for a soul mate? As summer helps, love may well come knocking at your door in the coming weeks. It's up to you to know what you really want from your future relationship.
From a professional point of view, your career will also be on track. With a little patience, significant progress will quickly be seen.
You can rejoice at the planets in your astral sky, as they indicate that you are about to experience some particularly pleasant weeks, especially from the point of view of your relationships and your love life.
Governed by Venus, Mars and Pluto, the Capricorn astral conjunction highlights the enthusiasm you will feel in July, but also your taste for sharing with others and your ability to grow as a person. Because you are anxious to lead the fulfilled existence that you are, obviously, entitled to expect, you will want to become fully involved in the projects that are close to your heart, without ever forcing yourself.
Your sense of communication, empathy and tenderness should also help you strengthen the bonds that bind you to the people around you every day. In your love life as well as at work, harmony will undoubtedly be your top priority.
What to remember in July
In view of your astral conjunction, July may well bring you the gentleness and courage that are important to you to feel happy and fulfilled. Under the influence of Venus and Mars, a curious mixture of tenderness and determination will characterize your behavior in the coming weeks.
This beneficial energy will encourage you to take care of your loved ones and be aware of your own needs. If necessary, and if you feel they could eventually help you enjoy your life even more, you'll be ready to make some small changes to your everyday routine.
In your love life as during your working days, it is balance that you will need most. You obviously have the resources to get there faster than you think. Congratulations.
The Sun, Uranus and Neptune are the 3 planets that will influence your behavior in the coming month. Given their respective energies, you shouldn't be surprised if your current situation develops in unexpected directions. In particular, Uranus should arouse your interest.
Under the influence of this planet, you will feel the urge to fight fiercely for the projects that matter to you and courageously deploy your energy. But, before you throw yourself body and soul into the battle, take the time to check if the cause is really worth it.
Your astral conjunction suggests that you will sometimes find it difficult to define your main priorities and channel your emotions. In this explosive context, there is a good chance that you will act a little too hastily on some
of your decisions.
What to remember in July
The planets in your astral sky in July suggest that the coming weeks could be particularly interesting. The meeting of the Sun, Uranus and Neptune should encourage you to stand up and fight tooth and nail for your projects and your desires, even if it means provoking a little unrest around you.
If you don't want to end up saying things you don't really mean, perhaps you'll need to show a little self-restraint. Before embarking on a new project, take the time to think about whether it is really relevant for you. Sometimes precipitation is as dangerous as inaction.
In this very particular period, you will be able to count on the support of your loved ones. Just as the moon helps sailors position themselves at night, their advice will help guide you in the right direction. It's important, so don't neglect it!
The association of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the Pisces astral sky in July is a very promising one. Carried by the energy of the red planet, in the coming weeks you'll be ready to involve yourself body and soul in the projects that are important to you, without ever complaining about the amount of time it's taking or about feeling tired.
The boundless enthusiasm you’ll experience may also serve the progress of your career, at the very least by helping you to benefit in the long term from an even more interesting situation. In view of the planets present in your sky, success seems to be very much within your reach.
To reap the fruits of it, though, you need to think about continuing your efforts in the long term. Don't forget that lasting projects are always built over time.
What to remember in July
In view of your astral conjunction, it is likely that July will bring you the combination of softness, balance and courage that are essential to you if you are going to enjoy your daily life to the full.
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn complement each other as well as pretty Russian dolls. In the coming weeks, you'll feel the winds of change begin to blow and it will make you very happy. The efforts you make in your professional life will undoubtedly help you to advance your projects.
You will also have some time to think about the goals you would like to achieve over time, without being influenced too much by the people around you. After all, you are the only person who can really decide about your own future. And you'll never let anyone say otherwise.